

Motor Neurone AGM filmed, recorded and streamed by WaveFX

This year’s MNDA conference and AGM was streamed live to the internet allowing many more people living with MND, careers and fund raisers the chance to watch and more importantly interact live with the meeting. The WaveFX webcasting team used [...]

First World War Journals documented by WaveFX

ProQuest is launching a landmark database offering unparalleled access to rare and unique sources on the common experiences of First World War servicemen and women. Cambridge based video production company WaveFX were selected to document this incredible story and the [...]

BTEC commission WaveFX to produce 8 award winning videos

This Year’s National BTEC Awards hosted by publishing group Pearson showcased the amazing achievements of teachers, schools and colleges around the UK and internationally Cambridge based video company WaveFX sent a film crew to each of the winner’s locations to [...]

By |August 21st, 2013|Categories: Cambridge, Film|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Anglia Ruskin Graduations filmed by WaveFX

Local video company WaveFX filmed two graduation ceremonies this month at the Cambridge Corn Exchange and at Anglia Ruskin’s Chelmsford campus This is the 2nd year the WaveFX film crew have been invited to showcase the “Degrees at Work” graduation, [...]

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